Friday, April 29, 2011

My plans for the next few weeks.

It feels like I'm starting to be ready to head out, so I've set a date. On May 9th, my birthday, I'll leave my home here in Houston and get started on the road.

Until then, I'll be visiting people around Houston. Let me know if you want me to come by.

After that, I'm heading to visit a friend in San Antonio, then Austin, which should round out my May. After that, it's a toss-up and we'll see where I end up.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leaving my job

Yesterday I got home from my last day at my job. Hostgator has been one of the best companies I've ever worked for, and I honestly hope they open up an office wherever it is I end up as I would really enjoy working there again.

That being said, I'm now hard at work getting ready for my next job. I'm not sure what my new title should be, professional vagabond or perhaps citizen of the universe. Regardless, progress is being made in casting off the things I don't need anymore and gathering up the things I suspect I will.

I've found some help in the usual place, a book recommended by a friend. Stephen Graham published "The Gentle Art of Tramping" in 1927, and while it's more intended for those that go walking to explore the world, I've found it's chapters useful as it discusses things I suspect may be a large part of my life such as idleness, swimming, stopping in places for long periods of time, and boots.

More important is the chapter on books, in which he recommends taking along a single book with large margins. Graham recommends great works of poetry or inscrutable prose, the kind of book you can chew on for months. I've found for myself some public-domain textbooks on philosophy and invested in both an anthology of the most important works on the subject as well as a collection of modern studies. Between these and my usual collection of newsfeeds, I could very well fill my time with literature alone.

I'm off now to start sorting out my clothes. While I'll have a bit more space to work with than a pedestrian tramp, I'll still need to sort out four years worth of favorite t-shirts down to a handfull.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Packing up

A little more than a week and time for another update. Preparations for the trip have been going along smoothly during my downtime in my last couple of weeks on the job. I've managed to get enough packed up that I can take a carload of stuff up to my Mom & Stepdad's house for storage while I'm wandering.

Other than that, I haven't been able to get much done. It takes a surprising amount of work to lighten a load and get a house in order, but I'm moving forward, and I'm happy about that.