Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 3

It's been an interesting couple of days so far! I've spent time with my dad, as well as some old college and highschool friends.

Don't you give me that look, Celia!

It was also time for some nostalgia. Visiting Tomball College where I completed my associates.
Looks like they did manage to change their name. I liked the old one better.

Turns out that despite the new library under construction, it hasn't changed as much as I thought. While almost nobody from my original circle of friends is still there, the geeks, dweebs, and nerds are still the biggest social circle in the commons.
Not pictured: Discussion of the merits of various champions in League of Legends.

All told, it was a wonderful way to spend the last couple of days. I'll be heading out for San Antonio here in an hour or so, and I've got a wild hair about video blogging. We'll see if the microphone on my camera is up to the task.

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